Alexandria College

Be legendary.

Celebrating a school’s values
and culture to increase enrollment

Brand Strategy
Logo Development

Mascot for Athletics
Art Direction


Web Development

It is becoming increasingly difficult to stand out in the competitive higher education landscape. By focusing on Alexandria College’s strengths and unique attributes, Metre was able to update the college’s brand and increase enrollment.


The secondary education landscape is becoming more and more crowded. With many students seeking online options in addition to traditional college experiences, schools need to work harder than ever to differentiate themselves and attract students to their programs.


Alexandria College offers students a rich, layered experience by providing a community in addition to a large variety of in-person degrees and certifications and many online programs. It would be important to update the brand and logo to bring the community, athletics and student organizations that set Alexandria College apart from online-only competitors to the forefront.


Values of boldness, dynamism, curiosity and diversity guided Metre in creating a new logo, mascot, tagline, and positioning statement. These actions were part of an enrollment management plan that resulted in Alexandria College seeing 27.6% enrollment growth from 2020-2024; the highest in Minnesota!

Alexandria Transportation
Alexandria College Promo
Alexandria 60 Commercial
Alexandria Art & Design
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